Help Venezuela Stop Hunger Now

Your Contribution
makes the Difference

HELP     VENEZUELA  STOP  HUNGER  NOW-NPO(EIN 83-3855674) Those Venezuelan people in need for food deserves your help, they are and have been always friendly and solidary with each other and with all foreigners who visit or live in VENEZUELA, they will appreciate your help and will be grateful for ever.

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We are a Venezuelan family that in our eagerness to help our nearby community with no other spirit than to collaborate with those who need a plate of food that allows them to overcome the hunger that every day overwhelms them by the lack of economic resources in order to buy the basic food to prepare a decent daily meal to eat regularly on a daily basis, we offer them a meal dish as much as we can provide.

Our objective, cause & story

Help children, families and communities who need it, break the circle of hunger by offering people of all ages, a decent meal every day, until they are able to find the means to feed by themselves.

BBC HARDtalk on the road in Venezuela (VIDEO 1)

 Thanks to all, for the understanding of our cause to Help Venezuela Stop Hunger Now.

At this moment, Venezuelan government is as close as it can be compared, to the 55 years of Fidel Castro's Cuban dictatorship revolution or even worse.

One of the worst economic problems in Venezuela is that it is legaly prohibited the free market of purchase and sale of foreign currancies. Our national currency, the bolivar, due the political and economical problems, is suffering an every day devaluation with respect to any other foreign currencies.

Hyper-inflation is out of control making the prices of goods and services raise to a point where it becomes very dificult almost impossible, with the current Venezuelan salaries, to buy basic groceries.

Since we are located right in the Venezuelan border with Colombia, we are able to freely exchange every day the foreign currencie of the USD funds raised in our campaign to Bolivars.

The first target is to buy in the local market, with all the raised funds in USD freely exchanged in Bolivars, enough basic groceries to prepare and donate to the people of all ages in need, free meals every day.

The second target is to buy in the local market enough basic groceries, in order to donate to all local charity organisations capable to prepare and feed people in need of all ages with free meals.

The third target is to mantain a basic nutritional medical check-up program to keep track of the people in need of food to know how is their health in terms of the world basic nutritional standards.

Under this tragic circumstances, we could not sleep tight every night, while our people in Venezuela due to the hunger crisis keep being drag every day to all kinds of illness and to die, due to starvation.


Educate all who wish to collaborate to carry out this action with love, thus allowing to create a country with a bright future for all, where you can learn and teach to multiply this noble action.


Feeding people who doesn't have the means to satisfy their own diet, contributes to the prevention of malnutrition and other preventable diseases, enabling a healthier and more productive life.


Feeding people who doesn't have the means to satisfy their own diet, it needs the entire community to get involve. Once this has been achieved, everything is possible.

Get involved

Offer your energy and talent to help feed someone who needs it in VENEZUELA  and thus provide hope to a wonderful country.

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